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Hands-on Projects for the Linux Graphics Subsystem

New book from Christos Karayiannis

Available in Amazon Kindle format at:

3.2.2 InitOutput()

InitOutput() is one of the major routines called by main(). A nice description of what InitOutput() does can be found in the DESIGN document. In a nutshell "InitOutput() is expected to fill in the global screenInfo struct, and one screenInfo.screen[] entry for each screen present."

Main data structures used

The following data structures are important in the study of InitOutput():

Part 1: xf86Info

xf86Info is defined and initialized as:

/* Globals that video drivers may not access */

xf86InfoRec xf86Info = {
	NULL,		/* pKeyboard */
	NULL,		/* kbdProc */
	NULL,		/* kbdEvents */
	-1,		/* consoleFd */
	-1,		/* kbdFd */
	-1,		/* vtno */
	-1,		/* kbdType */
	-1,		/* kbdRate */
	-1, 		/* kbdDelay */
	-1,		/* bell_pitch */
	-1,		/* bell_duration */
	TRUE,		/* autoRepeat */
	0,		/* leds */
	0,		/* xleds */
	NULL,		/* vtinit */
	0,		/* scanPrefix */
	FALSE,		/* capsLock */
	FALSE,		/* numLock */
	FALSE,		/* scrollLock */
	FALSE,		/* modeSwitchLock */
	FALSE,		/* composeLock */
	FALSE,		/* vtSysreq */
	SKWhenNeeded,	/* ddxSpecialKeys */
	FALSE,		/* ActionKeyBindingsSet */
#if defined(SVR4) && defined(i386)
	FALSE,		/* panix106 */
#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
	0,		/* wskbdType */
	NULL,		/* pMouse */
#ifdef XINPUT
	NULL,		/* mouseLocal */
	-1,		/* lastEventTime */
	FALSE,		/* vtRequestsPending */
	FALSE,		/* inputPending */
	FALSE,		/* dontVTSwitch */
	FALSE,		/* dontZap */
	FALSE,		/* dontZoom */
	FALSE,		/* notrapSignals */
	FALSE,		/* caughtSignal */
	FALSE,		/* sharedMonitor */
	NULL,		/* currentScreen */
	-1,		/* screenFd */
	-1,		/* consType */
#ifdef XKB
	NULL,		/* xkbkeymap */
	NULL,		/* xkbkeycodes */
	NULL,		/* xkbtypes */
	NULL,		/* xkbcompat */
	NULL,		/* xkbsymbols */
	NULL,		/* xkbgeometry */
	FALSE,		/* xkbcomponents_specified */
	NULL,		/* xkbrules */
	NULL,		/* xkbmodel */
	NULL,		/* xkblayout */
	NULL,		/* xkbvariant */
	NULL,		/* xkboptions */
	FALSE,		/* allowMouseOpenFail */
	TRUE,		/* vidModeEnabled */
	FALSE,		/* vidModeAllowNonLocal */
	TRUE,		/* miscModInDevEnabled */
	FALSE,		/* miscModInDevAllowNonLocal */
	PCIOsConfig,	/* pciFlags */
	Pix24DontCare,	/* pixmap24 */
	X_DEFAULT,	/* pix24From */
#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)
	FALSE,		/* pc98 */
	TRUE,		/* pmFlag */
	LogNone,	/* syncLog */
	0,		/* estimateSizesAggressively */
	FALSE,		/* kbdCustomKeycodes */
	FALSE,		/* disableRandR */
	X_DEFAULT	/* randRFrom */

where xf86InfoRec is defined as:

 * xf86InfoRec contains global parameters which the video drivers never
 * need to access.  Global parameters which the video drivers do need
 * should be individual globals.

typedef struct {

    /* keyboard part */
    DeviceIntPtr	pKeyboard;
    DeviceProc		kbdProc;		/* procedure for initializing */
    void		(* kbdEvents)(void);	/* proc for processing events */
    int			consoleFd;
    int			kbdFd;
    int			vtno;
    int			kbdType;		/* AT84 / AT101 */
    int			kbdRate;
    int			kbdDelay;
    int			bell_pitch;
    int			bell_duration;
    Bool		autoRepeat;
    unsigned long	leds;
    unsigned long	xleds;
    char *		vtinit;
    int			scanPrefix;		/* scancode-state */
    Bool		capsLock;
    Bool		numLock;
    Bool		scrollLock;
    Bool		modeSwitchLock;
    Bool		composeLock;
    Bool		vtSysreq;
    SpecialKeysInDDX	ddxSpecialKeys;
    Bool		ActionKeyBindingsSet;
#if defined(SVR4) && defined(i386)
    Bool		panix106;
#endif  /* SVR4 && i386 */
#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
    int                 wsKbdType;

    /* mouse part */
    DeviceIntPtr	pMouse;
#ifdef XINPUT
    pointer		mouseLocal;

    /* event handler part */
    int			lastEventTime;
    Bool		vtRequestsPending;
    Bool		inputPending;
    Bool		dontVTSwitch;
    Bool		dontZap;
    Bool		dontZoom;
    Bool		notrapSignals;	/* don't exit cleanly - die at fault */
    Bool		caughtSignal;

    /* graphics part */
    Bool		sharedMonitor;
    ScreenPtr		currentScreen;
#if defined(CSRG_BASED) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
    int			screenFd;	/* fd for memory mapped access to
					 * vga card */
    int			consType;	/* Which console driver? */

#ifdef XKB
     * would like to use an XkbComponentNamesRec here but can't without
     * pulling in a bunch of header files. :-(
    char *		xkbkeymap;
    char *		xkbkeycodes;
    char *		xkbtypes;
    char *		xkbcompat;
    char *		xkbsymbols;
    char *		xkbgeometry;
    Bool		xkbcomponents_specified;
    char *		xkbrules;
    char *		xkbmodel;
    char *		xkblayout;
    char *		xkbvariant;
    char *		xkboptions;

    /* Other things */
    Bool		allowMouseOpenFail;
    Bool		vidModeEnabled;		/* VidMode extension enabled */
    Bool		vidModeAllowNonLocal;	/* allow non-local VidMode
						 * connections */
    Bool		miscModInDevEnabled;	/* Allow input devices to be
						 * changed */
    Bool		miscModInDevAllowNonLocal;
    PciProbeType	pciFlags;
    Pix24Flags		pixmap24;
    MessageType		pix24From;
#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)
    Bool		pc98;
    Bool		pmFlag;
    Log			log;
    int			estimateSizesAggressively;
    Bool		kbdCustomKeycodes;
    Bool		disableRandR;
    MessageType		randRFrom;
    struct {
	Bool		disabled;		/* enable/disable deactivating
						 * grabs or closing the
						 * connection to the grabbing
						 * client */
	ClientPtr	override;		/* client that disabled
						 * grab deactivation.
	Bool		allowDeactivate;
	Bool		allowClosedown;
	ServerGrabInfoRec server;
    } grabInfo;
} xf86InfoRec, *xf86InfoPtr;

The initialization values come from other source files, for instance Pix24DontCare comes from xf86str.h as:

/* flags for depth 24 pixmap options */
typedef enum {
    Pix24DontCare = 0,
} Pix24Flags;

xf86InfoRec is described in the DESIGN document as:

8.2  Data handling

Config file data contains parts that are global, and parts that are Screen
specific.  All of it is parsed into data structures that neither the drivers
or most other parts of the server need to know about.

The global data is typically not required by drivers, and as such, most of it
is stored in the private xf86InfoRec.

The screen-specific data collected from the config file is stored in screen,
device, display, monitor-specific data structures that are separate from the
ScrnInfoRecs, with the appropriate elements/fields hooked into the ScrnIn-
foRecs as required.  The screen config data is held in confScreenRec, device
data in the GDevRec, monitor data in the MonRec, and display data in the Dis-

xf86Info's fields are set from the command line or from the config file (xorg.conf). In the latter case this takes place in configServerFlags, which is called by xf86HandleConfigFile(), called by DoConfigure() (see section For instance the pixmap24 field as seen above is initialized with the value Pix24DontCare. However if the "-pixmap24" Option of the xorg.conf is set configServerFlags() assigns a different value.

Part 2: ScrnInfoRec (xf86Screens[]), screenInfo, ScreenRec


ScrnInfoRec is defined as:

typedef struct _ScrnInfoRec {
    int			driverVersion;
    char *		driverName;		/* canonical name used in */
						/* the config file */
    ScreenPtr		pScreen;		/* Pointer to the ScreenRec */
    int			scrnIndex;		/* Number of this screen */
    Bool		configured;		/* Is this screen valid */
    int			origIndex;		/* initial number assigned to
						 * this screen before
						 * finalising the number of
						 * available screens */

    /* Display-wide screenInfo values needed by this screen */
    int			imageByteOrder;
    int			bitmapScanlineUnit;
    int			bitmapScanlinePad;
    int			bitmapBitOrder;
    int			numFormats;
    PixmapFormatRec	formats[MAXFORMATS];
    PixmapFormatRec	fbFormat;

    int			bitsPerPixel;		/* fb bpp */
    Pix24Flags		pixmap24;		/* pixmap pref for depth 24 */
    int			depth;			/* depth of default visual */
    MessageType		depthFrom;		/* set from config? */
    MessageType		bitsPerPixelFrom;	/* set from config? */
    rgb			weight;			/* r/g/b weights */
    rgb			mask;			/* rgb masks */
    rgb			offset;			/* rgb offsets */
    int			rgbBits;		/* Number of bits in r/g/b */
    Gamma		gamma;			/* Gamma of the monitor */
    int			defaultVisual;		/* default visual class */
    int			maxHValue;		/* max horizontal timing */
    int			maxVValue;		/* max vertical timing value */
    int			virtualX;		/* Virtual width */
    int			virtualY; 		/* Virtual height */
    int			xInc;			/* Horizontal timing increment */
    MessageType		virtualFrom;		/* set from config? */
    int			displayWidth;		/* memory pitch */
    int			frameX0;		/* viewport position */
    int			frameY0;
    int			frameX1;
    int			frameY1;
    int			zoomLocked;		/* Disallow mode changes */
    DisplayModePtr	modePool;		/* list of compatible modes */
    DisplayModePtr	modes;			/* list of actual modes */
    DisplayModePtr	currentMode;		/* current mode
						 * This was previously
						 * overloaded with the modes
						 * field, which is a pointer
						 * into a circular list */
    confScreenPtr	confScreen;		/* Screen config info */
    MonPtr		monitor;		/* Monitor information */
    DispPtr		display;		/* Display information */
    int *		entityList;		/* List of device entities */
    int			numEntities;
    int			widthmm;		/* physical display dimensions
						 * in mm */
    int			heightmm;
    int			xDpi;			/* width DPI */
    int			yDpi;			/* height DPI */
    char *		name;			/* Name to prefix messages */
    pointer		driverPrivate;		/* Driver private area */
    DevUnion *		privates;		/* Other privates can hook in
						 * here */
    DriverPtr		drv;			/* xf86DriverList[] entry */
    pointer		module;			/* Pointer to module head */
    int			colorKey;
    int			overlayFlags;

    /* Some of these may be moved out of here into the driver private area */

    char *		chipset;		/* chipset name */
    char *		ramdac;			/* ramdac name */
    char *		clockchip;		/* clock name */
    Bool		progClock;		/* clock is programmable */
    int			numClocks;		/* number of clocks */
    int			clock[MAXCLOCKS];	/* list of clock frequencies */
    int			videoRam;		/* amount of video ram (kb) */
    unsigned long	biosBase;		/* Base address of video BIOS */
    unsigned long	memPhysBase;		/* Physical address of FB */
    unsigned long 	fbOffset;		/* Offset of FB in the above */
    IOADDRESS    	domainIOBase;		/* Domain I/O base address */
    int			memClk;			/* memory clock */
    int			textClockFreq;		/* clock of text mode */
    Bool		flipPixels;		/* swap default black/white */
    pointer		options;

    int			chipID;
    int			chipRev;
    int			racMemFlags;
    int			racIoFlags;
    pointer		access;
    xf86CurrentAccessPtr CurrentAccess;
    resType		resourceType;
    pointer		busAccess;

    /* Allow screens to be enabled/disabled individually */
    Bool		vtSema;
    DevUnion		pixmapPrivate;		/* saved devPrivate from pixmap */

    /* hw cursor moves at SIGIO time */
    Bool		silkenMouse;

    /* Storage for clockRanges and adjustFlags for use with the VidMode ext */
    ClockRangesPtr	clockRanges;
    int			adjustFlags;

     * These can be used when the minor ABI version is incremented.
     * The NUM_* parameters must be reduced appropriately to keep the
     * structure size and alignment unchanged.
    int			reservedInt[NUM_RESERVED_INTS];

    int *		entityInstanceList;
    pointer		reservedPtr[NUM_RESERVED_POINTERS];

     * Driver entry points.

    xf86ProbeProc			*Probe;
    xf86PreInitProc			*PreInit;
    xf86ScreenInitProc			*ScreenInit;
    xf86SwitchModeProc			*SwitchMode;
    xf86AdjustFrameProc			*AdjustFrame;
    xf86EnterVTProc			*EnterVT;
    xf86LeaveVTProc			*LeaveVT;
    xf86FreeScreenProc			*FreeScreen;
    xf86ValidModeProc			*ValidMode;
    xf86EnableDisableFBAccessProc	*EnableDisableFBAccess;
    xf86SetDGAModeProc			*SetDGAMode;
    xf86ChangeGammaProc			*ChangeGamma;
    xf86PointerMovedProc		*PointerMoved;
    xf86PMEventProc			*PMEvent;
    xf86HandleMessageProc		*HandleMessage;
    xf86DPMSSetProc			*DPMSSet;
    xf86LoadPaletteProc			*LoadPalette;
    xf86SetOverscanProc			*SetOverscan;
    xorgDriverFuncProc			*DriverFunc;

     * This can be used when the minor ABI version is incremented.
     * The NUM_* parameter must be reduced appropriately to keep the
     * structure size and alignment unchanged.
    funcPointer		reservedFuncs[NUM_RESERVED_FUNCS];

} ScrnInfoRec;


screenInfo is defined as:

typedef struct _ScreenInfo {
    int		imageByteOrder;
    int		bitmapScanlineUnit;
    int		bitmapScanlinePad;
    int		bitmapBitOrder;
    int		numPixmapFormats;
    int		arraySize;
    int		numScreens;
    ScreenPtr	screens[MAXSCREENS];
    int		numVideoScreens;
} ScreenInfo;


One of the main ScreenInfo fields is ScreenPtr (aka pScreen), a pointer to ScreenRec.

ScreenPtr is defined in screenint.h as:

typedef struct _Screen *ScreenPtr;

ScreenRec is defined in scrnintstr.h as:

typedef struct _Screen {
    int			myNum;	/* index of this instance in Screens[] */
    ATOM		id;
    short		width, height;
    short		mmWidth, mmHeight;
    short		numDepths;
    unsigned char      	rootDepth;
    DepthPtr       	allowedDepths;
    unsigned long      	rootVisual;
    unsigned long	defColormap;
    short		minInstalledCmaps, maxInstalledCmaps;
    char                backingStoreSupport, saveUnderSupport;
    unsigned long	whitePixel, blackPixel;
    unsigned long	rgf;	/* array of flags; she's -- HUNGARIAN */
    GCPtr		GCperDepth[MAXFORMATS+1];
			/* next field is a stipple to use as default in
			   a GC.  we don't build default tiles of all depths
			   because they are likely to be of a color
			   different from the default fg pixel, so
			   we don't win anything by building
			   a standard one.
    PixmapPtr		PixmapPerDepth[1];
    pointer		devPrivate;
    short       	numVisuals;
    VisualPtr		visuals;
    int			WindowPrivateLen;
    unsigned		*WindowPrivateSizes;
    unsigned		totalWindowSize;
    int			GCPrivateLen;
    unsigned		*GCPrivateSizes;
    unsigned		totalGCSize;

    /* Random screen procedures */

    CloseScreenProcPtr		CloseScreen;
    QueryBestSizeProcPtr	QueryBestSize;
    SaveScreenProcPtr		SaveScreen;
    GetImageProcPtr		GetImage;
    GetSpansProcPtr		GetSpans;
    PointerNonInterestBoxProcPtr PointerNonInterestBox;
    SourceValidateProcPtr	SourceValidate;

    /* Window Procedures */

    CreateWindowProcPtr		CreateWindow;
    DestroyWindowProcPtr	DestroyWindow;
    PositionWindowProcPtr	PositionWindow;
    ChangeWindowAttributesProcPtr ChangeWindowAttributes;
    RealizeWindowProcPtr	RealizeWindow;
    UnrealizeWindowProcPtr	UnrealizeWindow;
    ValidateTreeProcPtr		ValidateTree;
    PostValidateTreeProcPtr	PostValidateTree;
    WindowExposuresProcPtr	WindowExposures;
    PaintWindowBackgroundProcPtr PaintWindowBackground;
    PaintWindowBorderProcPtr	PaintWindowBorder;
    CopyWindowProcPtr		CopyWindow;
    ClearToBackgroundProcPtr	ClearToBackground;
    ClipNotifyProcPtr		ClipNotify;
    RestackWindowProcPtr	RestackWindow;

    /* Pixmap procedures */

    CreatePixmapProcPtr		CreatePixmap;
    DestroyPixmapProcPtr	DestroyPixmap;

    /* Backing store procedures */

    SaveDoomedAreasProcPtr	SaveDoomedAreas;
    RestoreAreasProcPtr		RestoreAreas;
    ExposeCopyProcPtr		ExposeCopy;
    TranslateBackingStoreProcPtr TranslateBackingStore;
    ClearBackingStoreProcPtr	ClearBackingStore;
    DrawGuaranteeProcPtr	DrawGuarantee;
     * A read/write copy of the lower level backing store vector is needed now
     * that the functions can be wrapped.
    BSFuncRec			BackingStoreFuncs;
    /* Font procedures */

    RealizeFontProcPtr		RealizeFont;
    UnrealizeFontProcPtr	UnrealizeFont;

    /* Cursor Procedures */

    ConstrainCursorProcPtr	ConstrainCursor;
    CursorLimitsProcPtr		CursorLimits;
    DisplayCursorProcPtr	DisplayCursor;
    RealizeCursorProcPtr	RealizeCursor;
    UnrealizeCursorProcPtr	UnrealizeCursor;
    RecolorCursorProcPtr	RecolorCursor;
    SetCursorPositionProcPtr	SetCursorPosition;

    /* GC procedures */

    CreateGCProcPtr		CreateGC;

    /* Colormap procedures */

    CreateColormapProcPtr	CreateColormap;
    DestroyColormapProcPtr	DestroyColormap;
    InstallColormapProcPtr	InstallColormap;
    UninstallColormapProcPtr	UninstallColormap;
    ListInstalledColormapsProcPtr ListInstalledColormaps;
    StoreColorsProcPtr		StoreColors;
    ResolveColorProcPtr		ResolveColor;

    /* Region procedures */

    RegionCreateProcPtr		RegionCreate;
    RegionInitProcPtr		RegionInit;
    RegionCopyProcPtr		RegionCopy;
    RegionDestroyProcPtr	RegionDestroy;
    RegionUninitProcPtr		RegionUninit;
    IntersectProcPtr		Intersect;
    UnionProcPtr		Union;
    SubtractProcPtr		Subtract;
    InverseProcPtr		Inverse;
    RegionResetProcPtr		RegionReset;
    TranslateRegionProcPtr	TranslateRegion;
    RectInProcPtr		RectIn;
    PointInRegionProcPtr	PointInRegion;
    RegionNotEmptyProcPtr	RegionNotEmpty;
    RegionEqualProcPtr		RegionEqual;
    RegionBrokenProcPtr		RegionBroken;
    RegionBreakProcPtr		RegionBreak;
    RegionEmptyProcPtr		RegionEmpty;
    RegionExtentsProcPtr	RegionExtents;
    RegionAppendProcPtr		RegionAppend;
    RegionValidateProcPtr	RegionValidate;
    BitmapToRegionProcPtr	BitmapToRegion;
    RectsToRegionProcPtr	RectsToRegion;
    SendGraphicsExposeProcPtr	SendGraphicsExpose;

    /* os layer procedures */

    ScreenBlockHandlerProcPtr	BlockHandler;
    ScreenWakeupHandlerProcPtr	WakeupHandler;

    pointer blockData;
    pointer wakeupData;

    /* anybody can get a piece of this array */
    DevUnion	*devPrivates;

    CreateScreenResourcesProcPtr CreateScreenResources;
    ModifyPixmapHeaderProcPtr	ModifyPixmapHeader;

    GetWindowPixmapProcPtr	GetWindowPixmap;
    SetWindowPixmapProcPtr	SetWindowPixmap;
    GetScreenPixmapProcPtr	GetScreenPixmap;
    SetScreenPixmapProcPtr	SetScreenPixmap;

    PixmapPtr pScratchPixmap;		/* scratch pixmap "pool" */

#ifdef PIXPRIV
    int			PixmapPrivateLen;
    unsigned int		*PixmapPrivateSizes;
    unsigned int		totalPixmapSize;

    MarkWindowProcPtr		MarkWindow;
    MarkOverlappedWindowsProcPtr MarkOverlappedWindows;
    ChangeSaveUnderProcPtr	ChangeSaveUnder;
    PostChangeSaveUnderProcPtr	PostChangeSaveUnder;
    MoveWindowProcPtr		MoveWindow;
    ResizeWindowProcPtr		ResizeWindow;
    GetLayerWindowProcPtr	GetLayerWindow;
    HandleExposuresProcPtr	HandleExposures;
    ReparentWindowProcPtr	ReparentWindow;

#ifdef SHAPE
    SetShapeProcPtr		SetShape;
#endif /* SHAPE */

    ChangeBorderWidthProcPtr	ChangeBorderWidth;
    MarkUnrealizedWindowProcPtr	MarkUnrealizedWindow;

} ScreenRec;

The xorg.conf used as example

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier	"Default Layout"
	Screen      0   "Default Screen" RightOf "Screen1" 
	Screen		"Screen1" 0 0
	InputDevice	"Generic Keyboard"
	InputDevice	"Configured Mouse"

Section "ServerFlags"
	Option	    "Xinerama"

You can see my complete configuration bellow.

Good luck,

# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool,
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically
# again, run the following command:
#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Section "Files"Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier	"Default Layout"
	Screen      0   "Default Screen" RightOf "Screen1" 
	Screen		"Screen1" 0 0
	InputDevice	"Generic Keyboard"
	InputDevice	"Configured Mouse"
Section "ServerFlags"
	Option	    "Xinerama"

	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/CID"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
	FontPath	"/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
        # paths to defoma fonts
	FontPath	"/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
	FontPath	"/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID"

Section "Module"
	Load	"GLcore"
	Load	"i2c"
	Load	"bitmap"
	Load	"ddc"
	Load	"dri"
	Load	"extmod"
	Load	"freetype"
	Load	"glx"
	Load	"int10"
	Load	"type1"
	Load	"vbe"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier	"Generic Keyboard"
	Driver		"kbd"
	Option		"CoreKeyboard"
	Option		"XkbRules"	"xorg"
	Option		"XkbModel"	"pc105"
	Option		"XkbLayout"	"se"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier	"Configured Mouse"
	Driver		"mouse"
	Option		"CorePointer"
	Option		"Device"		"/dev/input/mice"
	Option		"Protocol"		"ImPS/2"
	Option		"Emulate3Buttons"	"true"
	Option		"ZAxisMapping"		"4 5"

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400 AGP"
	Driver		"mga"
	Option	        "AGPMode" "4"
	Option	        "hw cursor" "on"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
	Screen      0

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400 AGP second head"
	Driver		"mga"
	Option	        "AGPMode" "4"
	Option	        "hw cursor" "on"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
	Screen      1

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"CM772"
	Option		"DPMS"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier	"Default Screen"
	Device		"Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400 AGP"
	Monitor		"CM772"
	DefaultDepth	24
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		1
		Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624"
"800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		4
		Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624"
"800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		8
		Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624"
"800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		15
		Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624"
"800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		16
		Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624"
"800x600" "720x400" "640x480"
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth		24
		Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624"
"800x600" "720x400" "640x480"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Proview"
	VendorName   "Unknown"
	ModelName    "Unknown"
	HorizSync    30.0 - 64.0
	VertRefresh  50.0 - 100.0
	Option	    "dpms"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen1"
	Device     "Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400 AGP second head"
	Monitor    "Proview"
	DefaultDepth     24
	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     24
		Modes    "1024x768"

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier	"Default Layout"
	Screen      0   "Default Screen" RightOf "Screen1" 
	Screen		"Screen1" 0 0
	InputDevice	"Generic Keyboard"
	InputDevice	"Configured Mouse"
Section "ServerFlags"
	Option	    "Xinerama"

Section "DRI"
	Mode	0666

What InitOutput() does

The most important points are:

Parsing the xorg.conf file (Part 1)

The first part of the parsing process is detailed explained in this page.

Parsing the xorg.conf file (Part2)

The second part og the parsing process is detailed explained in this page.

Call xf86OpenConsole()

This is an OS specific routine. For instance for Linux it is implemented in lnx_init.c.

Make a General bus probe

This is detailed explained in this page.


This is detailed explained in this page.

Module Loading

This is detailed explained in this page.

Driver Processing

This is detailed explained in this page.